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    Violence has become a day to day venture in today’s society.  Children/young adults are behaving in such a way that they turned to violence.  The violent behavior has plague and continues to destroy society.

    Over the past years parents have been saying that it takes a community to raise a child but in today’s society parents are afraid to speak to their children.  Why due to repercussion from that children. The right of society to intervene in a child life was expected and it was valuable, whereas that community was assisting in raising children.  Not only they had the right to discipline their children but their neighbor’s children.

    The vast respect that was given on a whole by yesterday’s children was indeed admirable and believable.  Today, I am proud to say that I am a product from that community who have molded so many of us. It was then said it took a village to raise a child and indeed it was true.  Children were indeed respectful. Their rights were safe guarded through the respect that was shared within that society. This respect substantially recognized by children and young adults.  Parents and neighbors recognized that these children/young adults are tomorrow’s future and took upon themselves the role of disciplinarian.

    Looking back over the years one can say that our society today has been overrun by violence.  In homes, schools, playground and working place. Parents are terrified of their children. However, they are still responsible for these children due to their age according to the law.  A survey was taken and a number of parents were asked why they are not disciplining their children? The answer was ‘we are afraid of the legal system”. Parents you can’t wait until your children are teenagers to discipline them.  You must start the disciplinary action as a toddler. You must recognize that training starts at home and parents should not expect teachers to discipline their children. However, when teachers try to discipline children due to their behavior they are sometime challenged by their parents so where are the community that is so needed. 

    Does discipline beating a child no parents can punish a child and set rules and values which is much more effective than beating.

    Having had the opportunity to speak to hundreds of parents and listening to how scared and horrified they are not been able to sleep due to their children involvement with gangs terrified them.  Yet these children are told in school that if they are been discipline by their parents these parents can be arrested. There is a difference between been abuse and been discipline. Parents are afraid that their children would call 911 and ACS would be involved and not only that child would be taken from her/him but the remaining child/children would be taken from the household.  One parent said if I do not discipline my child now the system will kill him this was frightening to hear a parent defined parenthood in that manner.

    What communities need is to re-establishment family ties by taking back their community.

    It was not long ago that many communities were turned upside down when the Calamine and the Virginia incident rocked so many communities.  Parents it is imperative that you speak to your young adults and please do not hesitate to enter their rooms remember you are the responsible parents and that’s your home.

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